A Closer Look

The Eras as Wedding Invitations

Calling all SWIFTIES! Taylor Swift is undoubtedly one of the most talked about topics these days. Through her music, she has shared her personal experiences and captured the essence of all stages of love and life. This week, we were inspired to channel our inner “Swiftie” and explore wedding invitations that correspond with all the Eras.


The way this invitation shines puts those Georgia stars to shame! Can we talk about the gold leaf embellishments mixed with the floral envelope liner (a perfectly good duo!) Just as Taylor would want, this suite had the perfect touch of shimmer!

Fearless Era

We are forever and always dreaming of this invitation suite! The pastel yellow envelope with the butterfly art was the ultimate love story. The Fearless Era alluded to romance and fairytales, and this suite did just that!   

Speak Now Era 

It doesn’t get more “enchanting” than these stunning invitations! Kathryn’s invites were timeless and luxurious. The invitation suite was a stunner with gold foil AND letterpress printing. All of the details of just look so beautiful together! And of course, the shimmery lavender envelopes made the perfect “Speak Now” touch. 

Red Era 

Ahh the Red era! This era was simultaneously classic and iconic…just like Hailey’s invitation suite!  All eyes were on the blind letterpress and modern, simplistic fonts. Nobody’s crumpling up these pieces of paper! 

1989 Era

There’s nothing more classic than a traditional letterpress suite, except for Taylor’s famous Fourth of July parties during her 1989 era. Jennifer’s suite featured clean, minimalist fonts and black & gold color scheme brought her vision to life. In our opinion, this look will never go out of style!

Reputation Era

Can you imagine a more perfect invitation for Taylor’s Reputation era? It’s giving all the moody “nobody’s heard from me in months” vibes, and we’re here for it. Macey’s black & purple suite with silver & gray touches made for the perfect Halloween wedding!

Lover Era 

Our favorite era of all…for obvious reasons 😉 We are ALWAYS in our Lover era when we get to create and celebrate the joy of all the wedding magic! When we think of Lover, we think of all the pretty and bright colors. This pink & purple suite embraces Lover’s whimsical aesthetic and radiates happiness!

Folklore/Evermore Era

Folklore is an ode to the beauty of stories (anyone else still thinking about the Betty-August-James love triangle?), which deserves a design of equal and complex beauty. The vine frame, floral envelope liner, and deckled edges on this invitation suite alluded to the ethereal beauty aesthetic of Taylor’s Folklore/Evermore era. 

Midnights Era

This suite will surely make the whole place shimmer! Taylor’s Midnight’s era feels futuristic and magical in the best ways. A few of our favorite features from Abby’s suite were the elegant calligraphy script printed on the lavender card stock (Hello, Lavender Haze!!!) 

Ready to work together on your  dream invitations?

The first step is to fill out the inquiry form. You’ll get a no-strings-attached estimate back within 3 business days!

Hey, I’m Anna!

I’m a wedding stationer with a passion for all things crafty. Whether you’re a bride looking for info on invitations or a mom looking for crafts for your kids (or let’s be real here, for yourself), I’m glad you’re here! Check out all the other ways to follow along below.

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