Kids Crafts
Resurrection Garden
Posted on April 1, 2021

This project is just in time for Easter and is so easy to make! It doesn’t take a lot of skill and holds a lot of meaning! Even when you’re finished with this, your kids can look forward to watering the grass and watching it grow.
- 3” Terracotta pot
- 12” Terracotta pot base
- Potting soil
- Grass seed
- Pebbles
- Spray bottle with water
- Twine
- 2 twigs
- Artificial moss
- Scissors Amazon shopping list for easy ordering! Check it out here.

Step 1: Gather and ready your materials
Have all of your materials in one place so you can easily access them and hopefully limit your mess. It’s also a smart idea to have something under this craft that can collect loose pieces.

Step 2: Place the terracotta pot
It should be almost caddy corned in the pot base. You don’t want it to be centered or straight on.
It’s also helpful to have it not touching the edge of the pot base because then it’s harder to pack dirt around it, so leave a little bit of space between the bottom of the pot and the edge of the pot base.

Step 3: Grab your spray bottle Spray all over the pot, around it, and beside it. You need a wet base for the potting soil to stick to.

Step 4: Begin placing soil
The soil should cover everywhere you sprayed water: all over the pot, behind it, and beside it.
You want a pretty good layer of soil. You may have to do this in sections and keep adding water.
Pack the wet soil in good so it stays in place

5. Time for grass seed
Sprinkle grass seed over the soil and spray more water on it.
Cover the grass seed with soil and then spray water on it to pack it down a little bit.

6. Add moss
The other half of the pot base is where the moss goes. It should cover the remaining area. This is the time to decide if you put enough soil in the pot, if not add more and then add moss. You can basically make it like you want it to look here. Half and half or a little more of soil or moss than the other.

7. Add pebbles
Once you have all of the moss in its place, begin placing pebbles throughout it and on top of it. This again is where you can decide how you want it to look based on where you place them and how many you use.
After you’ve added all of these things is a good time to wipe out the inside of the pot with a wet paper towel – it is an empty tomb afterall!

8. Make the cross
Take the two twigs you have and decide which one will need to be longer and which will be shorter. You may have to break some off or use scissors.
Once they’re the right size grab your twine and tie a knot around where they intersect.
Keep wrapping until it’s tight and looks how you want it to.

9. Place the cross
Place the cross in the soil to the left back of the pot.
Spray water around it and pack the dirt to make sure it stays.
You can also add a rolled away stone if you’d like.
Tips & Tricks
Don’t forget to water your grass so it will sprout! We just use our spray bottle on it every day. It’s also helpful to have a wet paper towel near to wipe away excess dirt when needed. This picks it up better than your hand would.